Wednesday, 6 May 2015

New Blog, New(ish) Blogger - Fruity Quinoa Porridge Recipe

The last five months have been characterised by excesses of brilliant memories, new friends, mountainous landscapes and a comprehensive range of Alpine cuisine - I am not exaggerating when I say that I consumed my body weight in cheese regularly! Following the completion of my ski season I have decided to 'spring clean' my life. Recent adjustments have included tweaking my diet, exercise routine as well as experimenting with new, wholesome and yet completely delicious recipes.

Quinoa porridge is a dish which has become my current breakfast of choice. It is brilliantly versatile, filling as well as being suitable for gluten free, vegetarian and vegan diets. Although cooking the quinoa is not for the time poor, or reluctant early risers, you can cook a large batch, separate into regular portions, freeze and reheat when required. For this recipe I used a combination of water and almond milk, then topped the creamy porridge with a plum, banana and grated cinnamon. Depending on personal preference the ingredients can be substituted for any nut, soy or animal milk (if they take your fancy) and whatever combination of fresh or dried fruit you have to hand.

Serves: 1
Preparation time: 15 minutes

1/2 cup quinoa
1 cup water
1 cup almond milk
1 plum
1 banana
1/2 tsp cinnamon (grated)

  • Mix the water and almond milk together in a pan and bring to the boil.
  • Reduce the heat until simmering. Add the quinoa. It will take approximately 15 minutes for the quinoa to soak up the liquid and transform from opaque bullets to translucent, readily edible grains. Stir regularly to prevent the quinoa from sticking to the pan.
  • After 10 minutes add half the chopped plum to the mix. By cooking the plum the porridge gains a natural sweetness which negates the need to add sugar or sweeteners.
    Suggestion - you could add a handful of blueberries at this stage. The potent berries make the dish acquire a gorgeous purple hue, antioxidants and a brilliant flavour
  • Once the quinoa is cooked, sprinkle the remaining plum, banana and grated cinnamon onto the porridge and enjoy!

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